Commercial Hull (Existing Customers only)
- Hull and Machinery
Suits: Irish and multinational corporations
Hull risks we can cover
- Brown Water Vessels
- Coastal Shipping
- Non Drilling Platforms
- Ancillary vessels within the Oil and Gas sector
- Ship Construction
- Local Ferry Operaters including Tourist Ferries
- Coastal Authoritites
Additional cover we can offer includes:
- Loss of Hire
- Increased Value
- Construction
Sweet Spots
Examples of where we have a particularly strong appetite, are actively targeting, and have been found to be at our most competitive.
- Small Working Craft valued up to €125,000 (including small passenger craft & Ribs) but with scope to rate up to €250,000 Sum Insured
- Harbour Operators
- Tourism & Local Cruisers
- Engineering companies with Marine craft
- Tugs
- Barges
- Research Vessels
- Patrol
- Supply & Workboats