Terms & Conditions
Our Status
RSA is a registered business name of RSA Insurance Ireland Designated Activity Company (DAC).
RSA Insurance Ireland DAC is a designated activity company limited by shares registered in Ireland under number 148094 with registered office at RSA House, Dundrum Town Centre, Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16, D16 FC92. Telephone Number: (01) 290 1000.
RSA Insurance Ireland DAC is a Non-Life Insurance Undertaking authorised by the Central Bank of
Ireland under the European Union (Insurance and Reinsurance) Regulations 2015 (S.I. No. 485 of 2015) to carry on Non-Life Insurance Business.
RSA Insurance Ireland DAC trading as RSA is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. RSA is subject to the Central
Bank’s Codes of Conduct which offer protection to consumers. These are the Consumer Protection
Code and the Minimum Competency Code. These codes can be found on the Central Bank’s website www.centralbank.ie.
RSA Insurance Ireland DAC is part of Intact Financial Corporation.
Our Services
RSA provides insurance contracts, underwriting and risk management services and advice for all the primary classes of non-life insurance.
Our employees do not receive incentives in relation to the provision of an insurance contract.
Cooling-Off Period / Right To Withdraw
RSA policyholders who are consumers for the purposes of the European Communities (Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services) Regulations 2004 have the right to cancel their policy as set out in these Regulations. This means that a consumer may cancel their policy within 14 days of (a) the day when the contract is entered into or (b) the day on which the consumer is given the contractual terms and conditions of the policy whichever is the later. In this situation RSA shall refund all money paid although RSA reserve the right to impose a charge in respect of services supplied.
If your contract of Insurance is not governed by the European Communities (Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services) Regulations 2004 and you are a consumer for the purposes of the Consumer Insurance Contracts Act 2019, you will have the right to cancel your policy as set out in this Act. This means that a consumer may cancel their policy within 14 working days of (a) the day when the contract is entered into or (b) the day on which the consumer is given the contractual terms and conditions of the policy whichever is the later. In this situation RSA shall retain the premium for time on cover and shall return the balance of money paid. Under certain circumstances policies may be deemed to have never been in force and we may agree to void the policy from inception and return the full premium you have paid to us.
Period of Insurance
Subject to cancellation, the period of insurance in respect of any policy held with RSA will be the period specified by RSA in the Policy Schedule / Renewal notice.
You the consumer can cancel your policy at any time by writing to us at RSA Insurance, RSA House, Dundrum Town Centre, Sandyford Road, D16 FC92, , alternatively if you are dealing with an Insurance Intermediary, you should give notice of your cancellation to them. The policy will be cancelled on the date, we, or your Insurance Intermediary, receive your cancellation instructions. Provided that no incident, giving rise to a claim has occurred in the current period of insurance, a return of premium may be due, in respect of the unexpired period of insurance.
Customers entering into a contract of insurance with RSA will be charged an annual premium based on assessment and rating of the insurance risk and exposure. Please note that non-life insurance premiums are subject to a Government levy.
In some circumstances RSA may offer the facility of paying the annual insurance premium by instalment. Where this facility is available, a charge for payment by instalment may apply up to a maximum of 8% of the premium due.
Please note that the charge for payment by instalment is subject to change.
In the event of default by the customer (premium payment) RSA reserves the right, with notice to the customer, to withdraw insurance and cancel the policy immediately.
Conflict of Interest
It is our policy to avoid any conflict of interest when providing business services to our clients. If an unavoidable conflict arises we will advise you of this in writing before providing any business service. The RSA Conflicts of Interests Policy recognises the importance of identifying any potential conflicts of interest at the earliest stage. RSA promotes this Policy and monitors our business activities to ensure adherence to the Policy.
In the event that you have a complaint in connection with a perceived conflict of interest, you may avail of the Customer Complaints Procedure set out below.
Customer Complaints Procedure
We are committed to providing our customers with a high standard of service at all times. If you have a complaint in connection with company service, the details of your policy, perceived conflict of interest or treatment of a claim please contact your Insurance Broker or our Customer Service team at;
RSA Insurance Ireland DAC
RSA House
Dundrum Town Centre
Sandyford Road
Dublin 16
D16 FC92.
Telephone: 01 290 1000 / Outside Ireland: 00353 1 290 1000
Email: complaints@ie.rsagroup.com
In the event of your complaint not being resolved to your satisfaction you may contact:
The Insurance Information Service, Insurance Ireland, Insurance Centre, 5 Harbourmaster Place, IFSC, Dublin 1, DO1 E7E8. Telephone (01) 676 1820. Email: feedback@insuranceireland.eu
or The Financial Services and Pension Ombudsman (FSPO), 3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, D02 VH29. Telephone +353 567 7000. Email: info@fspo.ie You may appeal a Financial Services and Pension Ombudsman finding to the High Court. We will not bear the cost of any appeal you bring.
Contract Law
The parties to a contract of insurance covering a risk situated in the Republic of Ireland are permitted to choose the law applicable to the contract. This insurance contract will be governed by Irish Law.
Communications between you and us about this policy will be in English.
The insurer that you have entered into a contract with is RSA Insurance Ireland DAC.
Please note that in the event of RSA Insurance Ireland DAC being unable to pay a claim you may be entitled to compensation from the Insurance Compensation Fund in Ireland.