Residential and Commercial Insurance
- Buildings Insurance, Rent Insurance, Alternative Accommodation Insurance
Suits: Suits owners of Apartment Blocks, Student Accommodation or Converted Properties
The following will be automatically included in your Policy
- Buildings Insurance
- Loss of Rent cover
- Alternative Accommodation
- Public Liability Insurance
- Employers' Liability Insurance
- Contents Insurance
We have a dedicated Apartment Block Team to ensure swift and professional service.
Sweet Spots
Examples of where we have a particularly strong appetite, are actively targeting, and have been found to be at our most competitive.
- New and/or purpose built developments with a commercial element of no more than 25% in terms of sum insured or sq ft
- Commercial element includes shops, offices or creche
Positive Risk Features
Factors we will take into account to make our sweet spots even more competitive.
- Low frequency of claims
- Majority occupied
- Professional lets or owner occupied
- Declared value > €5m
Risks we would never write, or write only rarely forming a small part of a wider portfolio.
- Unoccupied properties or properties undergoing refurbishment
- Social housing/housing associations
- Holiday Homes or Villages
- Commercial properties